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The 5th Council of the Pet Industry Branch of the China Animal Husbandry Association was held in Shenzhen, and CTC was elected as a member unit

发布时间:2023-11-23   阅读:: 次  

        On November 22nd, the 5th Council of the Pet Industry Branch of the China Animal Husbandry Association was successfully held in Shenzhen. More than 100 representatives from the President, Vice President unit, Executive Director, Director and other units attended the meeting, and Qingdao CTC Pet Supplies Co., Ltd. was elected as a Director unit.


    Secretary General Zhou Chunhua presented the 2023 Work Content and 2024 Work Plan of the Pet Industry Branch of the China Animal Husbandry Association to the Council. In 2023, with the active support and participation of the association's leadership and member units, the Pet Industry Branch focused on addressing industry hotspots, challenges, and key issues. This included providing feedback on industry demands and seeking policy support, organizing industry activities, and establishing communication and collaboration platforms. Efforts were also made to standardize industrial development, promote standardization construction, facilitate resource integration, and encourage industrial cooperation.

    Furthermore, the association prioritized strengthening its own construction and enhancing service levels. This involved continuously innovating service models, improving service quality, and catering to the needs of members and the industry. Emphasizing a pragmatic approach, the association remained committed to focusing on practical work and fully utilizing the role of social organizations as a bridge between government, industry, academia, and research and application sectors.


    Vice Secretary General Zhang Wei presented the "Proposal for Adding Directors to the Fifth Board of Directors". Ten enterprises and representatives were proposed to be added to the fifth board of directors, a recommendation that received unanimous approval from the board. Notably, Qingdao CTC Pet Supplies Co., Ltd. and its representative, General Manager Zhang Hong, were elected as directors.


    Deputy Secretary General Wu Yi presented the proposal outlining the duties of the directors. This includes enhancing research on pet industry standards, regulating and legislating harmonious and socialized management of humans and pets, overseeing exhibition development, standardizing pet end-of-life services, addressing the resettlement and sheltering of stray dogs and cats, researching pet industry-related indices, and promoting pet-related knowledge. The directors provided suggestions and proposed solutions in response to these tasks.

    Following the presentation, attendees engaged in thorough research and enthusiastic discussions on the proposal's content and the future work of the association.


    The second China Pet Industry Summit was held at the same time as the conference, which focused on the theme of "health win-win and quality improvement development". Cornell China was invited to participate. Gathering with over 400 leading experts in the entire pet industry chain, we will discuss the path to high-quality and healthy development of the pet industry from the perspectives of economic trends, track trends, brand growth, industrial development, supply and demand fluctuations, food safety, and cutting-edge scientific research!



    At the beginning of the conference, Mr. Li Jinghui, Deputy Secretary General of the China Animal Husbandry Association, and Dr. Lang, President of the Pet Industry Branch of the China Animal Husbandry Association, delivered opening speeches. The agenda of this conference is divided into two main parts:


    Mr. Peng first analyzed the macroeconomic situation next year from the perspectives of GDP, consumption, investment, import and export, and expressed optimistic predictions for the future development of China's pet industry.


    Mr. Shanjing first reviewed the work of Taobao and Tmall Pets in 2023 from four aspects: user first, brand growth, entrepreneurial battlefield, and trend incubation. Meanwhile, she shared five trends in pet health: 1) functional foods; 2) Technology driven; 3) Cultural aesthetic drive; 4) Lifestyle driven 5) Pet food processing technology.


    Mr. Liu Chao brings an analysis of the latest frontline data for JD Double 11. He stated that the data presented four major behavioral trends and ten product preferences. The four major trends include: early ordering time; A large number of new customers come to the live broadcast room; One million people participated in the JD Pet "Eight Late Appointment and Half Price Competition"; Not liking the guaranteed return service has become an important reason for new users to choose JD to buy and exchange food. The top 10 product preferences include: baked goods; Freeze dried grains; Cat snacks; Wet cat food; Dog food; Cat litter; Intelligent products; Nutrition and health care; Pets and Aquarians.


    Li Zijun, the head of pet brand operations at Meituan Flash Buy, stated in a sharing that the rapid development of instant retail is mainly due to the migration trend of user consumption habits. Pet instant retail is a "high growth, low penetration" track. Instant retail requires users to achieve the ultimate instant retail experience through distribution efficiency, precision marketing, smart promotions, and shopping experience.


    Five leading pet companies, including Guaibao Pet, Zhongchong Stock, Petit Pet, and Mars Pet, shared their thoughts on promoting the high-quality development of the pet industry. They stated that brand building, R&D investment, product and service quality, production and operation efficiency, social pet culture atmosphere, regulations and policies, industry quality, and so on are all important aspects to promote high-quality development of the industry in the future.


    The conference underscored the paramount importance of raw materials in ensuring the safety of pet food. Experts emphasized that while standards are crucial in raw material procurement, they should not be seen as limiting factors. Instead, going beyond existing standards in both production and procurement of raw materials is vital for the development of high-quality brands. Enterprises prioritize raw material safety testing standards over finished product safety testing standards in addressing food safety concerns.

    The trust crisis facing pet companies regarding food safety necessitates transparency, integrity, and corporate responsibility. As a global supplier of plant-based raw materials with 20 years of industry experience, CTC China is deeply committed to ensuring food safety. From the perspective of manufacturers and raw material suppliers, ensuring traceability across all procurement, production, sales, and logistics processes is imperative.

    Moving forward, Cornell China will continue to play a leading role in the pet food industry chain. The company remains dedicated to providing continuous, high-end, and high-quality supply and services to diverse customer groups through professional and safe products, exceptional service quality, and ongoing comprehensive development efforts.