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CTC China Marketing Department held a work summary meeting for the third quarter

发布时间:2022-09-30   阅读:: 次  

In the afternoon of September 30, CTC China Marketing Department held a meeting on the summary of the first three quarters of 2022 and the work plan for the fourth quarter. The meeting was chaired by Ms. Zhang Hong, the deputy general manager of CTC China, to check the company's annual task indicators, key work in the third quarter, find gaps, and sprint through the fourth quarter to ensure the successful completion of the annual goals and tasks.


Vice President Zhang conducted a comprehensive review of the Marketing Department's performance in the third quarter, acknowledging achievements, identifying shortcomings, and relaying directives from headquarters. He articulated higher expectations and aspirations for the fourth quarter's work. Headquarters emphasized the importance of focusing on annual goals and tasks, enhancing analysis of performance indicators, and conducting thorough assessments of key market areas. It was emphasized that successful strategies should be continued, while problems should be addressed through root cause analysis and targeted measures. The message conveyed was to continually challenge ourselves, strive for excellence, and exert maximum effort to achieve the annual targets in the final quarter.


This meeting served as both a retrospective of past efforts and a roadmap for future endeavors. Following headquarters' guidance, the heads of procurement, production, sales, and other relevant departments presented work summaries, highlighted areas for improvement, and outlined plans for the fourth quarter, setting clear objectives for the team's collective efforts.

This year is the third year of Xiaojiao's business development.  We can use systematic thinking to expand product development, and the quantity and quality of the entire product have greatly improved. We should seize the rising trend, increase the number of visits, increase customer communication, and seize every sales opportunity to guide.
At this meeting, we studied the Market Trend Insight Report of Small Pets, focused on understanding the market development trend of rat and rabbit staple food, snacks and other products, and predicted the overall market development trend from the following indicators: focus on people, product category, customer price, sales volume and so on, which has important guiding significance for the company's later product upgrading and new product research and development.

Finally, Vice President Zhang emphasized that:

1. Keep up with customers and work objectives, and control key points;

2. Grasp the port advantages of small favorite grain and products, the advantages of imported grass and the R&D resources of foreign convenient exchanges, highlight the core competitiveness and tap progressiveness.

3. The whole team should keep up with the demand of the market and the pace of the market.

In the current stage, the entire industry, market, and workforce are impacted by the challenges posed by "Covid-19," resulting in sluggish industry progress and morale erosion among personnel. However, amidst adversity lies opportunity. While others may falter, it is our chance to rise. Let us seize this opportunity, uplift morale, and excel in our endeavors.